Examples ======== Workflow for the client credentials grant type ---------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: #import library import deviantart #create new client da = deviantart.Api("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"); #define defaults deviations = [] #the name of the user we want to fetch deviations from username = "ioneiy" offset = 0 has_more = True #while there are more deviations to fetch while has_more: try: #fetch deviations from user fetched_deviations = da.get_gallery_folder( username=username, offset=offset ) #add fetched deviations to stack deviations += fetched_deviations['results'] #update offset offset = fetched_deviations['next_offset'] #check if there are any deviations left that we can fetch (if yes => repeat) has_more = fetched_deviations['has_more'] except deviantart.api.DeviantartError as e: #catch and print API exception and stop loop print e has_more = False #loop through every fetched deviation and print title and #author (most likely the previous defined) of the deviation for deviation in deviations: print "Deviaton title: {}".format(deviation.title) print "Deviation author: {}".format(deviation.author.username) Workflow for the authorzation code grant type ---------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: #import library import deviantart #create new client with the authorization code grant type da = deviantart.Api( "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", #must be the same as defined as in your application on DeviantArt redirect_uri="YOUR_REDIRECT_URI", standard_grant_type="authorization_code", #the scope you want to access (default => everything) scope="user" ); #The authorization URI: redirect your users to this auth_uri = da.auth_uri print "Please authorize app: {}".format(auth_uri) #Enter the value of the code parameter, found in to which DeviantArt redirected to code = raw_input("Enter code:") #Try to authenticate with the given code try: da.auth(code=code) except deviantart.api.DeviantartError as e: print "Couldn't authorize user. Error: {}".format(e) #If authenticated and access_token present if da.access_token: print "The access token {}.".format(da.access_token) print "The refresh token {}.".format(da.refresh_token) #the User object of the authorized user user = da.get_user() print "The name of the authorized user is {}.".format(user.username)